What is included in the after care of limb strengthening surgery?

After the limb strengthening surgery, the patients are taught about the care of the skin around the pins that attach the external fixator. With this, they are also taught how to recognize as well as treat the early signs of infection.  This whole procedure takes almost 30 minutes every day until the apparatus is removed. It is very important in preventing infection from developing.
After this, a patient is hospitalized for about a week. In some cases, a cast is placed on the operated leg for some 20 to 30 days. The incisions usually get healed in 8 to 12 weeks, after which, the patients can resume full activities can be resumed.

A patient is hospitalized for 7 days or longer in the cases of leg lengthening surgery. They require intensive physical therapy to gain their normal leg motion. They even have to visit the physician frequently get their external fixator adjusted. The healing time depends on the extent of lengthening. The present fixators used for limb lengthening surgery in India are very durable. In some patient, can continue many normal activities during the three to six months the device is worn.

Physical therapy offered during the recovery period, plays a very important role in keeping the patient's joints flexible and maintaining the muscle strength. Patients are advised to eat a nutritious diet and to take calcium supplements. To speed up the bone healing process, gradual weight-bearing is encouraged. An external system is also given for stimulating bone growth at the site, either an ultrasound device or one that creates a painless electromagnetic field. 


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